Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take to prepare my tax returns?
Not all tax returns are the same, so the time required to ensure exceptional service may vary. To make the process more convenient for you, we offer a secure client portal where you can safely upload your documents from anywhere. No need to wait—documents can also be dropped off at our office and picked up once your tax preparation is complete.
If unemployment was my only income, will I be eligible for a refund?
Yes, if your with-holdings and/or credits are more than the taxes you owe.
What is a split refund?
The IRS allows your refund to be split. A split refund lets you divide your refund in any proportion you want, and direct deposit the funds into up to three different accounts with U.S. financial institutions.
For head of household filing status, do you have to claim a child as a dependent to qualify?
In certain circumstances, you do not have to claim the child as a dependent to qualify for head of household filing status; for example, a custodial parent may be able to claim head of household filing status even if he or she released a claim to exemption for the child.
How much does an unmarried dependent student have to make before he or she has to file an income tax return?